Peter Fernandes with hammer and chisel
Countless hours by many willing souls have gone into the continued restoration and re-visioning of the three buildings on this site. They are left from the HEYDAYS St. Louis experienced in the late Nineteenth Century. They've released mysteries of times left behind in crumbling photographs and antiquities. Likewise, they have spawned new love and life. Humbly, we know that we are mere passengers in these stationary busses. Our time in them is a blip.
I'm trying with the cooperation of many, to create a legitimate non-profit community art space in these three historic structures that are beautiful and in the yard that seems to vent a feeling of magic. We would like to UNIFY these addresses under one name: The Revisionist Inn.
With tributes to Dionysus,
Paul Fernandes
I'm trying with the cooperation of many, to create a legitimate non-profit community art space in these three historic structures that are beautiful and in the yard that seems to vent a feeling of magic. We would like to UNIFY these addresses under one name: The Revisionist Inn.
With tributes to Dionysus,
Paul Fernandes